Journal Entry - May 10th 2005
I met with my mentee today, and went directly to the room we meet in after signing in. This is working out so much better then before when I had to wait on her!
I went ahead and talked to her about since we only have a few meetings left, that we should just go ahead and keep meeting. In reality, we only have four after today, and four more shouldn't make such a major impact that it will disrupt the rest of her school year. She agreed to this.
I wanted to get started on the learning objective but she had a project due the next class period that she needed help on. So I ended up helping her try and finish that one instead.
It was a good meeting, we talked a lot about her summer plans, and her apprehensions about high school. While we were talking, I brought up Math, and we spent the rest of the hour talking about her concerns with Math, and what she might want to do to help those concerns.
We talked about possible summer schools, private summer tutors, or online tutors. I told her I'd collect a bunch of information for her over the week and bring it back to her the next meeting time as a possible starting point.
Hopefully some of it will help!
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